A secret society is a club or organisation whose activities and inner functioning are concealed from non members.

'Masons conduct their regular meetings in a ritualized style. This includes many references to architectural symbols such as the compass and square. They refer to God as “The Great Architect of the Universe.

This group is slightly different from the others in that it does not have an official membership. It is the name given to a group of highly influential people who meet ever year in secrecy (and usually with strong military and government sponsored security). The topics discussed are kept secret.

Members of the Skull and Bones (George Bush is left of the clock) [1947]
The Order of Skull and Bones, a Yale University society, was originally known as the Brotherhood of Death. It is one of the oldest student secret societies in the United States. It was founded in 1832 and membership is open to an elite few. The society uses masonic inspired rituals to this day. Members meet every Thursday and Sunday of each week in a building they call the “Tomb”.
I watched a documentary on the society to being my research and find out the depth of the cult.
The origin of the word Illuminati comes from 1590–1600; < Latin illūminātī, plural of illūminātus which means enlightened.
- persons possessing, or claiming to possess, superior enlightenment.
- ( initial capital letter ) a name given to different religious societies or secret societies because of their claim to superior enlightenment. - Dictionary
The Illuminti society was founded on May 1, 1776, in Ingolstadt or Upper Bravia.
The society consisted of five members who modelled themselves on the Freemasons society. The superior members of the Illuminati made the other members take a vow of secrecy and to obey them.

The society was founded by Adam Weishaupt, he had developed a goal to create 'a new world' or a 'perfect human nature' by eliminating organised religion and multiple governments through killing or wars.
'In Des Griffin's book, "Fourth Reich of the Rich", he shows the outline or "Plan" of Adam Weishaupt's World Revolution that he had hoped to achieve:
- The abolishment of all ordered Government
- The abolishment of all private property
- The abolishment of all inheritance
- The abolishment of all Patriotism
- The abolishment of all Religion
- The abolishment of all family and marriage
- The creation of a World Government or World Order- to take the place of all of the above things that had been abolished' -Source
The society was carried on the Albert Pike, who was a soldier, writer and corrupt Freemason. He was also the leader of the Klu Klutz Klan, A gang of white males who set out to torture and kill black people.
- The history of the Illuminati
- The history of Adam Weishaupt
- Founder of the Illuminati
- The founder Adam Weishaupt
- Infiltration of the Freemasons
- The ultimate goal of the Illuminati
Supposedly the Bavarian Illuminati survived, possibly to this day. Many of these theories propose that world events are being controlled and manipulated by this society.
The Illuminati symbol is of a pyramid which is surrounded by latin words.

- 'Annuit Coeptis' which translates 'Providence favours our undertakings' -Source or 'Our enterprise is a success'
- The eye with the emulating light is taken from eyptian fate 'horas: the birth of a new born sun' reffering to him as the saviour and he is watching you. Known as 'The all seeing eye'.
- 13 layers based on masonic symbolism which is also translated on the dollar bill. -Source
- The roman numerals at the bottom of the pyramid add up to 1776 which was when the Illuminati was discoverd. There is also controversy that the numbers also add up to 666 which is the devils number. -Source
- 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' which translates 'A new order of the ages' or 'New order secular - world'-Source
The logo is also on the USA dollar bill.

The owl near the dollar bill is a symbol that represents the society meeting in california on the last two weeks of july every year known as the Bohemian grove ritual.The ritual consists of them surrounding by a pit of fire in wearing KKK attire. Supposedly all living presidents excluding Obama attened.
The owl is used as it connotes wisdom and see's in the dark, suggesting they know more than the general public.

The symbolism is inspired through masonic rituals that the skull and bones society practised which worship the devil. Allegedly it is subtly exposed in everyday media from TV, images, music, films and adverts. There are 3 main signs that are filtered throughout the media.
1. El Diablo is a spanish word for the devil many powerful and influential people are seen doing this sign.
1. El Diablo is a spanish word for the devil many powerful and influential people are seen doing this sign.
2. All eyes seeing is the symbol that represents the triangle in the logo, this symbol suggests they are followers or are behind this cult.
3. Influential most commonly do the infamous owl eye which supposedly represents the rituals that took place at the bohemian grove. Also the sign creates the 666 number which is used to refer to the devil.

'The Illuminati has been manifested in popular culture, in books and comics, television and movies, and games. A number of novelists, playwrights, and composers are alleged to have been Illuminati members and to have reflected this in their work.' -Source
Kesha - Die Young Video - Illuminati Symbolism.
It is suggested that entertainers from the music artists to actors are involved with the Illuminati, to indoctrinate people subtly through their music, symbolism and actions.
Some of many video's with Illuminati symbolism.
Some of many video's with Illuminati symbolism.
The Illuminati craze has not only beeN displayed through the works of artists but popular networking sites such as twitter and facebook.
Twitter: 1.131,863 followers
Facebook: 421,917 likes and 160,796 talking about this with over 10 groups created either supporting or calling themselves a community.

There is also references to symbolism represented in clothing labels and fashion.
- Stay Fly Clothing
- Daily 23 Blog
- Obey - Unif - Roccawear
- Kill Star Clothing
- Zazzle
- Jay Z Illuminati Quote Hoodie
- Puma Limited Edition
- D Mag Shoot - Antonell Arismendi
- Asos
Small but repeated examples of the triangle and other symbols, illustrates how the illuminati, have ‘hidden’ their secret society symbolism in plain sight for centuries and have subconsciously influenced society, to the extent that their ancient symbolism has now become an acceptable design theme.
By using popular culture reference's the public is more sustained to accept and follow it, not really knowing what it represents or what it's about.
There are many conspiracy theories and myths circulating the illuminati society, I decided to research the most controversial and interesting ones.

Supposedly the deaths of some of the world icons from president to entertainment artists, were instigated by the illuminati due to them either wanting to leave the cult or reveal their secrets.
- Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier
- The Illuminati : Facts & Fiction by Mark Dice
- The new world order: Facts & Fiction by Mark Dice