Sunday, 9 November 2014


Initial Ideas

To start the development of my exhibition I listed the things that I thought were imperative for it to work and things to consider.

I needed to focus on a multitude of areas including promotion for the exhibition and the format in which it can be produced for the audience, which are listed above.


To devise a concept I brainstormed a few ideas on the themes within my essay and what I could make into a substantial practical piece that synthesised with my essay.

In the development of writing my dissertation, I came across a theme 'standardisation' within the industry that I was writing about and this quote stood out to me the most.

‘The musical standards of popular music were originally developed by a competitive process. 
As one particular song scored great success, hundreds of others sprang up imitating 
the successful one. The most successful hits, types, and ‘ratios’ between
elements were imitated, and the process culminated in the crystallisation of standards. 
Under centralised conditions such as exist today these standards have become ‘frozen’.’ 

— Adorno

I really liked the idea of looking at imitation and the idea of pop music not progressing but instead just recycling what has come before or what has been deemed successful. I decided to further break down this concept considering what I could create with this idea.


I then decided that I could break down the exhibition into 3 main points, which also representS the way music is produced which is Lyrics, Sound and Visual Style. The exhibition will look at artist's from the past and present within pop music and drawing similarities between them weather it be through the way the look, the lyrics the write or even the sampling of the same beats.


For the name of the exhibition I looked into a multitude of words that were relevant to music terminology, and referred to the word compare or combine as thats what I propose to do with my artwork.

From the names I came up with I decided that remix was what fit best with my idea, as it's definition states 'To combine or edit existing materials to produce something new' which is what the music industry do with their artists, their music and what I want to do with my artwork.


After creating my concept I decided to write out a brief of what I wanted to do, to give myself a guideline to work by.

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