400 hours study for a 40 credit module.
6-9000 word written element, and related practical work.2.5 hours support on the written element of the module, in addition to support with the practical project.
Try to have a substantial draft submitted by christmas.
Indicative Content
- Students will develop a cohesive research project, with practical and textual outcomes, in response to a proposal developed during the later stages of the Level 5 programme.
- This module will require the students to organise and undertake a personal programme of in-depth critical research, to collate and present a coherent written argument and related practical investigation based on analysis and evaluation, presented in the form of an extended formal written study and related practice-based research. The chosen subject will be relevant to a student’s main course of study and will be used to support and inform their specialist practice. The extended study involves self motivated research but will be supported by individual tutorials aimed at helping the student to develop the appropriate scope and depth of subject matter required within such a project.
- The work undertaken will reveal the student’s appreciation and application of research approaches and methodologies.
- Write down all questions that you want to investigate
- Consider each on their merits and focus on two (primary & secondary)
- Write an A4 ‘first thoughts’ sheet for each
- What is the purpose of the study? Is your question researchable?
- Working title
Project Outline
- Consider timing
- Consider holidays / work / life
- Think about your working title and the different component parts that need researching.
- Allocate timings to each
- Draw up a project outline based on the above
- Allow generous time for initial reading and writing up
- Factor in tutorials
- Reading takes more time than you think
- How much can you actually read in 100 hrs?
- Start by trying to find out all the key texts on your chosen topic.
- Focus your reading based on an initial assessment of this survey
- Find key texts and plan time to read these
- Find secondary sources / criticisms of key texts (triangulation)
- Use journals (www.jstor.org)
- Start compiling a bibliography at the beginning of the project
- Reference as you go along
- Include all details (name, forename, date, place, publisher, page)
- If a student’s CoP3 research involves human subjects (1) and/or data not in the public domain (2) then ethical approval must be granted by their supervisor / programme leader.
- If the researcher is interviewing or observing participants then that counts as ‘involving human subjects’. 'Interviewing' means that you are recording the person's words, by writing, tape or any other means, and using them in your work.
- ‘Data not in the public domain’ means data (or objects) which are still in copyright, or are in private collections, and for which written permission for use must be obtained.
Approaches to research
- Quantitative
- Qualitative
- Action Research
- Is a questionnaire the best way of investigating your topic?
- If so, begin to word questions and discuss with your supervisor.
- Avoid ambiguity, imprecision or assumption.
- Also avoid double, leading, presuming or offensive questions
- Question Type?
- Think about format / appearance
- Always pilot your questionnaire
- Decide on sample size
- Specify a return deadline (factor this into your project outline)
- Record responses as soon as complete
- Is an interview the best way of investigating your topic?
- If so, begin to word questions and discuss with your supervisor
- Structured or unstructured interview?
- How will you analyse questions?
- Watch for bias
- Plan the interview / prepare the room
- Introduce yourself
- Tape record the interview (permission required)
- Agree the accuracy of notes with interviewee
- Is observation the best way of investigating your topic?
- Decide exactly what you need to know?
- Participant / Non-participant observation
- Request permission to observe
- Prepare and plan observation carefully
- Devise a suitable grid, checklist or chart.
- Analyse and interpret the data, eliminating bias
- Thank the people observed
Critical Diarie / Reflective Log
- Is a questionnaire the best way of investigating your topic?
- Make sure you are clear about the purpose?
- Don’t procrastinate
- Plan research methods carefully
- Select the most appropriate research methods for the project
- Document all stages of the process carefully
- Produce a detailed project outline, with timings, and stick to it
- Get the most from your supervision
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